What You Should Know Before You Settle Your Claim
If you have been injured in an automobile accident, there are a few things you should consider before you settle your claim. After an accident, an insurance adjuster has one job, that is to get your claim resolved as fast as possible, and for as little money as possible. It is typically not advisable to settle a personal injury claim quickly.
Never Settle a Claim While You are Still Recovering
Speaking with an insurance adjuster about settlement of a personal injury claim while you are still recovering is always a bad idea. After an accident, you may be suffering from considerable discomfort.  In addition to bumps, bruises, and broken bones, may also be suffering from injuries that are still unknown. Often, an injury you thought would be âokâ ends up lingering on. If you are suffering from a concussion, or are currently taking prescription pain medication, you may not be thinking clearly. As a result, you are not in the best shape to make a decision about what to do next.  An insurance adjuster may offer to pay your medical bills and give you “a little more for your troubles.” But in reality, you are probably entitled to a lot more than they are offering.